Ever since the Pink Weighing scale got introduced into my life, I couldn't live without anything that's pink! Gosh, what's happening? What's happening!
I don't deny the fact that I can be a frantic for pink occasionally but I realised that I got hooked onto it after getting married! Is it a sign of auntie-hood? Is it a sign of wannabe-girlish-hood?
Anyway, it doesnt matter. So long I dont wear pink apparels, it should be okay!
By the way, totally engrossed in Cooking and Baking recently. Was thinking of converting my blog into a Recipe sharing blog but not too sure if I have the time to do so. I'll try! The 1st step to commence would be getting some essential tools for my cooking and baking schedules. As a norm, all visitors will have to sponsor me one of the following item listen below.
A BIG Thank you in advance! Muahahhaha! Muchas gracias!

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