Finally, the home PC is installed with Adobe Photoshop. I missed using that for like hundred years since the PC was down and everything was gone. The home PC a.k.a newest gadget we got in our home does not come with any Photoshop because that Royal Prince Charming of mine just wouldn't want to install it because he is always busy with his Bit torrent, Battlefield, Clubsnap Forum, Timepieces Forum, Tin Toy projects and the list goes on.
Furthermore, I don't really use the computer that much since I'm like dead beat after my yoga sessions. BUT, miracles create wonders and Photoshop makes me a energetic girl =P *Does that link?* Anyway, doesn't matter. Was so engross with doing Photoshop recently that I'm like sleeping at 12 near to 1am every night. YESH, EVERY NIGHT!
Royal Prince Charming a.k.a my hubby who's a super night owl even went to bed earlier than me! Man, that shows how much I adore Photoshop and how much I love photoshopping away my eye bags, pimples, fats etc etc. . .
Rachie was telling me that she wanted to learn how to photoshop her pictures. For the sake of her, Miss Rachie Lee MF, I'm gonna start a mini tutorial class for you, FOC. Listen, its FOC. If you feel like giving me a little fees, I'll be most happy to accept =p
Please see below why the world love photoshop.

Before and After Photoshop
It's not a one day skill to do that. I mean Photoshop really require practises. I used to rely Macromedia Fireworks for all my pictures and images because they do fantastic graphics and animations but after graduating from polytechnic, I switched rather more to Photoshop because I don't get to do much animations anymore.
In the above pictures, you can see that I made dramatic changes to my eyes and skin tones. So, before you starts to comment or praise me for my photoshop skills if any, let me do just one justice for myself. MY EYES AIN'T THAT SMALL LIKE THE BEFORE PICTURE. That picture was like almost 1.5 years ago and as you can see clearly, I don't really know how to apply eyeliner that well. Now, its different okay? My eyes are small when :
1. I don't get enough sleep
2. I drank too much water the night before
3. I slept too much
4. I feel sick
To prove that photoshop does take up quite an amount of time. Please see below for the 5 minutes Photoshop work that I've done. Awfully un-natural.

Come slap me tight in the face for making my eyes so disgustingly fake. I pity myself for being the Photoshop Guinea pig .