Today me and Hubby went to Singapore Expo with FS and Jehanne.
There's a Home and Design Fair going on and also Addidas Sales. Well, didnt managed to squeeze into Addidas Sale plus both me and Hubby quite broke for this month because of a Nikon FM2. Opppppsss!
Anyway, was quite impressed with the Home and Design Fair cause they could acutally build showflats in the Expo Hall! Marvellous!!!!! There were 2 Interior company setting their Showflats in the Hall and we went in to captured some ideas from them. Amazing! Their Interior concepts were superly nice but one of them's tooooooo un-realistic lah. Probably need to be some big "Tao Keh" to own that kind of renovation.
Oh ya! Me and Hubby had just settled our Living room Furnitures with this company "The Furniture Club". Love their furnitures! Nice, Chic and affordable. Alright, it's slightly steep in price as compared to Star Furniture and IKEA but it's definitely worth the "Blink Blink", BECAUSE its custom-made furniture! Hohoho! They had a few outlets and the one nearest to NEL will be at Liang Court.
We went down to City hall too! The Christmas ambience is really there! I am soooooooo in the Mood for Christmas! Hohoho~ Counting down now! Heee~
Sunday, November 26, 2006
In the Mood for Christmas
Posted by
Happy Mrs Kwok
11:29 PM
Friday, November 24, 2006
Received an email from Sister Emily and found that its really touching and 感觸良多~
Hope to share it with all of you and I hope that all my 姐妹 will find their 幸福 :)
其實他有的是時間,只是不肯花在她身上罷了。 大學時代,他總是忙著唸書和社團,好不容易等到寒暑假,他又忙著打工賺錢。那時他家中經濟拮据,唸書和打工是為了獎學金和賺學費。 這些都是事實,也是當理由,她覺得自己應該做個體貼的女友,所以也不強求他花時間在她身上,甚至盡力為他分憂解勞。
畢業後,他和幾個朋友合夥開了一間小公司,她則在出版社找了一份畫插圖的工作。 創業維艱,白手起家非常辛苦,所以她不但替他處理家務,還每天送便當和宵夜到公司給他,每次都只是聊兩句就走了,深怕耽誤他的時間。 他的同事們都誇她體貼又得體,將來必定是蚑憍d良母;她也有點沾沾自喜,認為自己的付出受到了肯定。
公司的營運終於步上常軌,照理說,他應該有空陪她了,可是他卻說 :
於是他變得更忙、更拼了,就連她送便當到公司去,也常常見不到他。 相較之下,她覺得自己像是遊手好閒。 交往五、六年了,她漸漸發覺自己總是在孤單寂寞中渡過, 每年的生日、情人節、聖誕節,都是自己一個人和電視機一起渡過。 同事們總笑說她的男友只是個「傳說」,甚至還有朋友懷疑她是否真的有男朋友。
這些日子以來,她的體貼和識大體,除了換來男性朋友們的稱讚,和 姊妹淘們的同情之外,什麼也沒有。 於是,她開始對他做出小小的「反應」,但總被他的好言相勸給抑制下來。
『今天的辛苦,是為了明天的幸福啊!』 『兩個人整天黏在一起,反而更快、更容易分手呢!』
情人節,在她萬般請求之下,他 才終於答應晚上陪她到陽明山看夜景。 她殷殷期盼了一個多星期,卻因為一通朋友要他去應酬的電話,粉碎了這個夢。 再也按捺不住這幾年來的孤單寂寞,她邊哭邊抱怨著、訴說著自己的委屈。
他有工作、有朋友、有應酬,所以他沒有空。 這些她也有,只是她長期選擇待在家裡、守著電話、等待他的來電、讓自己隨傳隨到,而推開了工作和朋友。
她不再為他送便當和宵夜,寧可窩在辦公室裡邊啃麵包邊畫插圖,或是想想新點子;她也不再每天按時打電話問候他 了,寧可和姊妹淘們喝咖啡、聊是非,或是花時間打扮自己,更添自信。
他漸漸發覺自己忙碌的生活裡,似乎少了些什麼,但! 總想不出到底少了什麼。
他想,她總算有些事情可以忙,就不會常常埋怨他沒時間陪她了...各自忙碌的生活又過了兩、三個月。 這天,他談成一筆大生意,心情 正好,想找她慶祝時,卻再度吃了閉門羹。
『只要你有空,我隨時都有空。』 她笑著說。
Although it may be cruel to the guy, but I believe in a relationship, there is always this give and take factor. No matter how busy you are, I believe you ought to give out some time to your precious one. Likewise, I believe your precious one will do the same :)
Dearest Hubby Kuo, I Love You!
Posted by
Happy Mrs Kwok
3:35 PM
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Wedding Cakes 喜餅
Was discussing with Jayne about wedding cakes 喜餅 just now
It happened that she is also looking for those special kinds of wedding cakes which are are different from the normal kinds of cakes that we received when relatives get married.
True enough, I've got the same thinking as her.
I want my wedding cakes to be unique and I want all my relatives, friends who receives my wedding cakes to remember it always ! 結婚是人生大事, there is the need to get everything perferct!
Last week, my parents had dinner with Hubby Kuo's Auntie in regards to our wedding.
It's like "Meet the parents" session which normally proceed when a pair of couple are intending to get married. Well, different is that, Kuo mummy couldnt make it to Singapore due to her busy schedule and it happened that Kuo auntie is in Singapore and hence, the appointment was fixed.
Kuo auntie discussed with my parents about the wedding procedures as they are not very farmilar with it. My parents aint very sure either but could brieftly tell her about the important things to take note of during the wedding ceremony. The dinner was good with everyone getting to know each other, 畢竟即將就要成為一家人了. One of the things highlighted during the dinner was about the 喜餅 aka Wedding cakes. Kuo auntie feels that it would be more easier if we could prepare the wedding cakes in Singapore rather then having the 喜餅 to be send from Taiwan to Singapore.
Mummy and Daddy's opinion is somehow the same as my parents feel that it might be too troublesome for Hubby Kuo's family. It's not like 1 or 2 boxes, it's 20-30 boxes! Well, so I had been considering about the kind of wedding cakes that I want to get. Hubby Kuo got no opinion and of course, Mrs Kuo yesh me, got the priority to make the decision! Yohooo!
I've already got 1 in mind! Tadah!
Looks so gorgeous and wonderful isnt it!
I just cant wait to get these cupcakes as my wedding cakes!
Posted by
Happy Mrs Kwok
1:45 PM
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Was so busy with work recently that somehow or rather, it seems to make me kind of stressed.
Sigh~ that's part and parcels of an educationist's life. How I wish I could turn all my work into ashes! Sighhhhhh
Sometimes I wondered why I chose being an Educationist over an IT personnel.
Sometimes I think its passion, sometimes I doubt about that.
I don't know if its good or bad. I've been thinking so much about my current career.
Can I really do my part as an Educationist? Can I handle my career well?
There's this urge of having an Career switch. However, when I think of my kids in school, I just cant seems to do it. I feel happy working with my colleagues but I don't like the way my work environment operates. I love teaching my kids new stuffs but I hate it when they don't acomplish my homework that I assigned for them. I love enjoying school holidays but I detest it when I need to report work even when school holidays has already started. I cant balance myself actually.
Should I change, Should I remain?
I know its up to myself to decide. I love teaching, there's this strong passion in me towards teaching, but I hate the way my work environments operates. Dilemma Dilemma Dilemma~
Plus, 2 nice colleagues left. One left cause of working location, the other left cause of school management.
Right now, I just want to enjoy the preparation of my wedding.
So, STRESS off you go!
Posted by
Happy Mrs Kwok
8:52 PM
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Wedding Banquet @ The Paramount
After so many months of discussion, Mr and Mrs Kuo had finally settled their Wedding Banquet venue at TungLok's The Paramount 百樂吉祥酒家. Wedding date had also been fixed on 1st July 2007. Initally we wanted to it to be on 7th July 2007, but due to it being a very popular date, majority of the hotels/restuarants were already booked. Hence, we decided to have our Banquet held at The Paramount.
Went over to view the venue today and was very satisfied with the surroundings. The General Manager, Sebestian is very polite and gave us alot of advises. I believe all my guests will be happy to dine there :)
At the moment, I am consolidating the guest lists! Heh!
Will need to get ready for ROM soon :D
Hee~ Can't wait for my big day to come!!!
Posted by
Happy Mrs Kwok
11:35 PM
Monday, November 13, 2006
Vivo City 怡丰城
Had muddled headly forgotten to include my post about the trip down to Vivo city again on last Friday. Sigh, that's one sad part about getting old , your brain cells gets cold too. Had been quite busy with school stuffs recently that I think I really need to get myself out from school matters.
Actually Hubby Kuo and I wanted to make our way down to IKEA on Friday. Jehanne couldnt make it that day and it's not possible for FS to complete the trip with us because its supposed to be couple thingy kind of stuff! So, they changed the whole plan by switching to visit Vivo City with Seng and Vin.
Quite happy in fact because I CAN DO SHOPPING! Sometimes retail therapy works wonder. For the here and there that I wanted to buy, retail therapy simply stop the itch of me using all my "blinks blinks". Heh~ Good way of saving :P
Went to Toys'R'us, do you spelled it that way? Alright, I am lazy to check the correct spelling via the website. Toy'R'us is so dammmmnnn big over there! I looked kind of childish over there, jumping so happily around the toys, toys and toys! Saw this big Melody cushion selling for $29.95 and wanted to buy it quite badly. After 30s of consideration, it just appeared redundant to me lah, because I dont get to use it at home, and further more I dont think I will bring it to school. Imagine the students touching on it when I'm not around in the office gives me goosebumps. I am not being freak or what but you should see how the students handle their hygience in school. I once saw this student digging his nose at this moment and the next moment, without even washing his hands, he used his bare hands, yes bare hands to pick up his drumlets and eat it instantly. I nearly puked out but alright, I AM USED TO SEEING IT IN SCHOOL!
So, it does make sense for not being huggies to school. Sometimes, I really wanted to bring just 1 cushion to school because I am quite used to having huggies back in my old office. But but but, ya you guys know :P Btw, saw this big Elmo and took a pic with it! Heh!
Vivo city dont look that big at all, wonder how come it was advertised as "way much bigger than Suntec city". Hmmm...
Posted by
Happy Mrs Kwok
7:46 PM
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Primary 1 Orientation
During the Primary 1 Orientation, I realised that many of the parents were young couples and they were very anxious about their kid's ability to adapt to the school environment. I believed thats part and parcels for parents.
Anyway, I was in charge of looking after the future kids from Primary 1 Faith. The class were good and most of them were attentive during the tour around our school. One of the kid, Alex happened to be my chinese boy, Andy 智恆 's younger brother. Hohoho~ Out of all the kids, I like Chuan Xuan the most. I don't know how to spell his name in Chinese >.< He is very obedient and has a strong sense of colors, quite different from the other kids :P
After the orientation program, Me and Hubby Kuo met up with FS and Jehanne to view 2 of the showflats in Sengkang. Both are Executive units and frankly speaking, they were MARVELLOUSLY renovated! Hoh! Stole many ideas from there :P
Went Ikea right after that and short-listed 2 items : L-Shaped Sofa and Study table.
Hopefully we'll be able to get them soon!
Posted by
Happy Mrs Kwok
9:33 PM
Thursday, November 09, 2006
PTM = Parents-Teachers-Meeting
Just had my 1st PTM yesterday and the process can only be expressed in 1 word, "TIRED".
Indeed, its the first time in my life that I realised I can talked and smiled non-stop for at least 4 hours. Yes, NON STOP.
The session started at 2pm and there weren't many parents. Hence, many of us were "shaking our legs" and having our usual chit-chats. My friends and colleagues were still laughing at me for not having a single parent(s) and I nodded happily. Who would know that I will be titled with "The Most Popular Teacher" award within 1 hour! Yes, 1 hour and the number of parents increased from 1 to 15!!!! I explained to each and individual parents about their child's development progress and how they can improve further. I believed the parents were very interested in knowing how they can help their child's improvement and they started to threw all sorts of questions for me and I had to answer them one by one. Its super tiring :S
Anyway, dinner was good but got tummy upset after that :( Nothing to do with the food, just that my stomach's not adapted to having spicy food in the late evening. Sigh, Poor me :(
Still, after dinner got to fight another round of talking and smiling. Whole session ended at 8 plus and I reached home at 930pm. Super exhausted *Yawn*
Heard from my Supervisor, Yan Seah that "End Term" PTM is considered relax as compared to the PTM during "Mid Term". Gosh, that means I have to go through this again! OH MAN! Somebody save me!!!!!
Posted by
Happy Mrs Kwok
10:31 PM
Monday, November 06, 2006
With or Without Belt
Heh~ This little cutie dress's my birthday present from Mr Kuo!
Isn't it cute :P
Well, I really like this dress so much that I had been wanting to wear it out. But I couldn't as it is too casual to be worn to school. What to do, got to wait till weekends then.
Anyway, was thinking if I should put on the belt or just wear it without any accessories. Typical vain pot question lah~ Hahah! This dress supposed to be baby doll cut, thus it should be loose worn but then, I think I look like I'm pregnant or what. So afraid that someone in the bus or MRT would just give up their seats to me man~ :S Maybe I think too much!
So, peeps out there, PLEASE kindly comment on should I wear With Belt or Without?
I think Mr Kuo going to start having those cold sweats on his forehead :P
Too bad, Mrs Kuo is always a vain pot :D
Posted by
Happy Mrs Kwok
11:52 PM
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Sony Ericsson Z610i Reveiw
Having used my new Z610i for 1 day, I can briefly write some reviews on it! Hohoho, no doubts about that alright? Hubby Kuo and I spent the whole night, fiddling, playing, turning, rotating our new slick phone!
To start, I shall begin with the outlook of this slick phone :)
The surface of the phone is reflective and slickly and comes with 3 different colors : Metallic Luster Black, Rose Pink and Airy Blue. The time is shown digitally on the surface of the phone. Incoming alerts from SMS, MMS and incoming calls are also shown on it.
The Camera is 2.0 Mega Pixels and had tools enabled for pictures enhancing such as White Balance, Brightness and Contrast etc. Had tried taking a few images and the quality kind of impressed the both of us. Z610i also allows the blogging of pictures directly from the phone up the the Server of Within a click, your blog will be updated with the new pictures taken. Impressive!
The specifications on Sony Ericsson's website only specified that Mp3 and AAC are supported on this phone. However, I tried uploading WMA file formats and it works too! The sound quality of this phone is simply marvellous! All thumbs up for it!
The phone comes with a 16MB built-in Memory and a Memory Stick Micro™ (M2™) support.
Key features
- MP3/AAC/AAC+/eAAC+ support
- Memory Stick Micro™ (M2™) support
- 3G video calling and messaging
- 2 megapixel camera
- Reflective exterior surface
- Picture blogging – take and share
- RSS feeds – news as it happens
*Happy and beaming with joy *
Posted by
Happy Mrs Kwok
11:08 PM
Saturday, November 04, 2006
Happy Birthday Mrs Kuo
Hohoho~ It's my Birthday today!
Well, another 1 year added to my current age, should I smile, should I frown or should I just be neutral?
Hmm, I'll stay netural then! Thinking too much about being another year older might just allow those crimply little wrinkles to pop onto my face~ Better not do that then. Haha~
Anyway, Today Mr and Mrs Kuo are offically declared as "The Sony Ericsson Z610i User".
Hehe~ Just got ourselves this slick phone from WHYMOBILE. The boss of this shop is friendly though one of his staff can be quite atttitude but then, the deals from this shop are strongly recommended! All phone sets are with NO CONTRACT attached, so for peeps who are really into changing new phone sets, this is the right place! The phones are relatively cheaper than the outside market. I am not too sure about those in Chinatowns because Mr Kuo's friend recommended Chinatown as they mentioned that the deals are very attractive.
Hehe~ As what Mr Kuo had mentioned in the previous post, he would get himself the black and for me, he'll get me the pink! I love my pinkish slick phone so much! They even had tools for you to enhance your pictures taken! Hooooooooo~ WONDERFUL!
Posted by
Happy Mrs Kwok
11:15 PM
Friday, November 03, 2006
Another Talent 歌手
After having my super late nap yesterday, Mrs Kuo woke up in the middle of the night feeling very awake! Hah~ I was super tired after a day's long at school. The moment I reached home, I jumped myself into the pool of water bathed myself and then threw myself onto the cosy bed of mine and followed by the snoozing part. LOL~ The snoozing part is purely for humour! Had a super long sleep till 11pm.
Switched on the TV and happened to be on Channel 54 (TVBS Asia), screening "娛樂新聞". They were introducing this new talent named 蔡旻佑 who was 發覺 by 台灣本土天王 Jacky 吳宗憲. I guessed 吳宗憲 did another great job after he had Jay Chou 周傑倫 into the showbiz.
蔡旻佑's only 19 at the moment, yes the tender age of 19. Btw, tomorrow's Mrs Kuo, my birthday. Don't asked me about my age. It's a typical NO question for women. I know I aint young anymore so in order not to commit any violent acts towards anyone, PLEASE do not ask for my age! 姐姐我是會打人的! :P
Anyway, about 蔡旻佑. He's got this boyish look that kind of cute. Although, I realised that some of his 發音 sounds abit funny, maybe got to do with the influence of 台語, he's still marvellous! Love his 1st solo album, especially " 我可以 ". The tunes were nice and the lyrics were fanstatic. I totally agreed with 小嫻 who named 蔡旻佑 and the lyricst 周偉傑 as the young "周傑倫 and 方文山". Cheers!
Posted by
Happy Mrs Kwok
12:13 PM
Thursday, November 02, 2006
To be happy or to be sad, its up to individual to decides.
Based on the type of scenario, human beings have the priority to characterised the moods that they prefer. For me Mrs Kuo, I feel that I can get quite emotional at times, on the other hand, Mr Kuo has a different way of handling his emotions. I guessed that's the main difference between a Female and a Male. Hah!
女人永遠都是那麼感性 :P
I used to envy people who can 忘記一切煩惱 because its not an easy task. After a night of deep thoughts, I enlightened myself with the saying "快樂是一天,不快樂也是一天" , which means " You can choose to be Happy, You can choose to be Sad". Why make your life torturing when you can choose to be Happy?
It's hard, I know. 但是, 我覺得我還是幸福的.
At least, I have a happy family and a doting Husband. Though my doting Husband, Mr Kuo can drive me up the wall at times XD, he's still always perfect to me :)
I guessed, 選擇在於自己~ 你可以選擇自暴自棄,你可以選擇開朗面對
For me, I have decided to 選擇開朗面對 :D
Btw, Wedding Banquet might be re-scheduled to Feb 2008!
黃道吉日比較重要~ So, for the best of our marriage, Mr Kuo and Mrs Kuo, yes both of us has decided to opt for the better! Heee :D
Posted by
Happy Mrs Kwok
8:29 AM
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
High quality or Low quality pictures?
Often, people judge good pictures by how sharp they are taken, how the high quality of pictures make them think that "wow! this picture is so sharp and nice!". For me, I have learnt that good pictures doesnt mean that it needs to be really sharp and noiseless. It is the composition that matters, a really sharp picture with poor composition will still remain a simple and plain picture.
Here are 2 pictures
Great colors isn't it? Hehe, but I've learnt(still learning!) to take nice pictures even with noise and lack of sharpness. I do not know if other people will like this photo, but to me I think these pictures can really tell a thousand words!
More to come...
Posted by
Happy Mrs Kwok
11:53 AM