Some photos to share my pregnancy progress :)
As you can tell very rightly from the pictures, I have put on LOADS of weight. Hahaha...
Prince Charming was saying: "Who doesn't when they are pregnant?"
FYI - Up till date (currently 28 weeks), I've piled on 26 lbs! Heee heee..
Oh! I requested Prince Charming to do a "studio shot" for me and I truly love him!
I can't wait for Little Kwok to arrives in April!
Sharing my joy with all my blogger friends! :D
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
My Pregnancy Progress
Posted by
Happy Mrs Kwok
5:49 PM
Labels: Pregnancy 15 comments
Monday, January 18, 2010
Counting on you, Prince Charming!
Baby Posing » a class by Kelley Ryden and Tracy Raver in Omaha, NE
A very cool blog to share with Mummies to be!
Awesome pictures and the babies are mostly about 10~12 days old when the pictures were taken.
Prince Charming, do you think you can do this? Me and Little Kwok counting on you! :D
P/s: I thought I should just post up some of my favorite ones from this blog :)

Posted by
Happy Mrs Kwok
5:12 PM
Labels: Pregnancy 2 comments
One very important List!
I'm officially in my 3rd Trimester now! Looking at my Pregnancy Ticker ( at the right bottom of my banner if case you get "Ah, where?), it's another 82 days till my EDD (Estimated Due Date). My Gynae did mention that most women tend to deliver their babies at around Week 38 ~ Week 39 but of course, it much depends on individual.
I read through some forum that it is best to pack my bag for Delivery at around 30 weeks ~ 33 weeks. I'm just into my Week 28 and have been researching up and down the necessities of what to bring. My sister, currently into her 2nd Trimester does not seems to have time for me (Dealing with her school and my niece + Brother-in-Law) so I dare not hinder her time since I know she really need more rest than I do! She's a teacher and I used to be one (okay.. contract teaching for 1 year) so I truly understand the minimal time she has for herself.
Alright, after doing some search via Google I sourced through a few local forums and got the following Bag list. I'm going to post it here for Prince Charming and my convenience! Also to share with all the First-time Mum-T0-Be like me :)
Bag List for Delivery
- Antenatal & Outpatient Appointment Card
- ATM Card & Cash
- Gynae Letter (If any)
- NRIC of both Husband and Wife
- ROM Certificate and Bank Account Book/Statement (For Baby bonus Admin)
- Cord Blood Banking Kit - Must remember to pass this to your Gynae before Delivery
- Disposable Breast Pads - To absorb leaking Colostrum
- Disposable Cotton Panties
- Breast pump - You can start to pump your supply if there is
- Hair Accessories (e.g. Hair Band/Comb) - To tidy up your hair
- Face and Bath towel - In case the ward does not supply
- A set of Home Clothes - To wear upon discharge from Hospital, preferably a dress
- A pair of shoes - Best to wear Slipper for easy convenience
- Maternity Pads - To absorb heavy postpartum Blood flow
- Mobile Phone & Charger - VERY IMPORTANT!
- Nipple Shields - To protect sore or cracked nipples while breast feeding
- Nursing Bras - To use with Disposable Breast pads
- Socks - To keep your feet warm, it can get very cold inside the ward
- Spare Plastic bags - To store soiled clothes & towels
- A box of tissues
- Toiletries - Just in case the hospital does not supply
- Cooling Bag - To store your milk supply if any
- Breast milk Storage bag - If you have over-excessive volume of breast milk
- Receiving Blanket/Baby Blanket - To wrap and warm baby upon discharge from hopsital
- Booties & Socks
- Mittens
- A set of Newborn Clothes
- Newborn Size Disposable Diapers (Usually supplied by Hospital)
- Sweater - The ward can get very cold during the night so it is best that the daddy prepares a set of Sweater so that he can keeps himself warm. Alternatively, you can request for a blanket from the Hospital.
- Snacks - In case the daddy gets hungry and become grumpy. (Opps.. which always happen to Prince Charming!
- Magazines/Games/MP3 - To keep the daddy entertained which Prince Charming needs so badly. I can predict that!
- Camera/Video cam - To capture the precious moments~
Posted by
Happy Mrs Kwok
2:25 PM
Labels: Pregnancy 5 comments
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Happy Saturday!
Had a hearty breakfast and yum my day off! :)

Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Something to post before CNY!
I have so many stuffs on my list that I really wanted badly but, Prince Charming said we have to eliminate those that are deem unnecessary and only get the ones that we REALLY REALLY need. Okay, FINE...
#1: Slow Cooker
I so wanted it and nearly got myself a small Slow Cooker but got a big one for my mummy in the end cause I knew I probably won't use it for long (maybe just 4 times max) since I'm not cooking/baking much nowadays (Get tired easily lah!) and mummy is always brewing soups for me and I know the one she's been using is really really old and a tad too small.
#2: Multi-Tier Steamer
Prince Charming is worried about the limited space we have in our Kitchen. Exactly! That's pretty much what I'm worried too. My Kitchen is as small as a mouse hole and most of the space are much occupied by the huge Whirlpool Fridge. Having a Multi-Tier steamer would mean that I need to get rid of one of the electrical appliances that is sitting on my table top right now. Rice Cooker - No! Hot Pot - No! Cooker Hob - NO! Tell me, which one should I discard to fit in my Multi-Tier Steamer?
#3: Microwave Oven
Exactly the same problem I'm facing as #2 and my mummy kept nagging that Microwave generates a huge amount of radiation that's not good for humans.
#4: Dehumidifier
Prince Charming has been complaining so much about the humidity problems we are facing in our Walk-in Wardrobe. For those who have not visited my house, my shower room is just right inside my Walk-in Wardrobe and it seems that tonnes of moisture are escaping from the shower room and finding refuge in the Wardrobe. It sort of makes our clothing a little "wetter" but lucky enough, not adding extra scent or fungus to it (Maybe cause we don't poo in the shower room :P) This is making Prince Charming a little frustrated. Well, oh well.. we can't seems to find a small dehumidifier anywhere in Singapore and our Walk-in Wardrobe can't accommodate any bigger ones (1 disadvantage of staying a new flat = very small area!) Sigh.. also we don't have any electrical slot in the WIW and I don't really like the idea of using the extension unit! It will make my WIW looks untidy! (
#5: Playpen
Thought of placing the Playpen in the living room so while I'm doing any house chores or cooking in the kitchen, at least I can see my baby without walking to and fro from my Bedroom and making myself assured that my baby is still within my eye level but...... my living room is pathetically small :( I don't even know where to squeeze out a space to fit in the playpen. My alternative other than a playpen would be a Play Gym.
#6: Diaper Bag
In a dilemma whether to just get a cheap diaper bag or should I get something that I like. Prince Charming prefer that I get a diaper bag that I really like because he wants me to feel proud carrying that diaper bag. Actually.. he got his motive because if I get myself a nice diaper bag, he will have the excuse to get himself a Crumpler bag which he will uses it as Daddy's diaper bag! God.. what a clever husband I have!
Posted by
Happy Mrs Kwok
12:57 PM
Labels: Family, Pregnancy 3 comments
Sunday, January 03, 2010
Happy 2010!
How time flies!! Goodbye 2009 and Hello 2010 in a wink!

Posted by
Happy Mrs Kwok
11:45 AM
Labels: Family, Pregnancy, Western 3 comments