I haven't been posting recently due to the holy-mama heavy workload that is piling and piling each day. *sigh* I miss baking+cooking :(
Anyway, here's what I managed to come up with recently.
Sunday - 13th July 2008
There was a Japanese food fair going on in Plaza Singapura and I happened to get this little bottle of Maple syrup. It looks kind of watery compared to the normal ones we see in NTUC or Cold storage, so I was kind of worried that it might not be as good.
Well, it was more of like an impulse purchase and I really do not want to leave it intact in my cabinet so, I made some pancakes in order to use it. ( I normally utilise my "stocks" when they are open, else they will just end up in my cabinet untouched!) I was wrong! The syrup taste really good! We finished up our pancakes in no time :D
I made some Cookies 'n' Cream ice-cream as well since there was some left-over heavy and whipping cream in my fridge.

This ice-cream turns out real good! I got the recipe from <冷凍甜品>.
Tuesday - 15th July 2008
Since I was really tired due to my over-whelming workload, I did not managed to baked any breakfast recently. Most of the time, I will get a packet of Gardenia Low fat Loaf from the supermarket and transform them into sandwiches.
My Mil gave me 2 big packets of Pork floss, so I make use of the flosses to create a Floss and Egg Sandwich. I stirred up some 透明美乃滋 (Transparent Mayonnaise) with the recipe from <爆紅人氣三明治> for the spread on the sandwich. The mayonnaise was really good, taste exactly like the one from Bread Talk!

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Recipes for Transparent Mayonnaise (透明美乃滋)
Ingredient A
- 100g, Fine sugar
- 5g, Salt
- 50g, Butter
- 450g, Water
Ingredient B
- 200g, Fine Sugar
- 50g, Corn Starch
- 200cc, Water
- Combine Ingredient A into a big bowl and bring to cook over low heat. Make sure that stiring is done and that sugar and butter gets completely melted.
- When mixture A starts to boil, combine Ingredient B into mixture A and continue to cook over low heat. The mixture will starts to thicken and get transparent in color. Allow cooling before using the mayonnaise.
All these are my favourites! Hehe...how you make the mayo? Can share your recipe? :)
Hi Aimei,
Sure do! I'll post the recipe up!
Hi Mr and Mrs Kwok
Many thanks for all your recipe.
I would like to make the meat floss bun but don't understand about the weigh of water in g and the measurement in cc. Please help.
Thank You.
Hi Anonymous,
Cubic Centimeters (CC) is the same thing for Milliliter (ML)
That means for 200CC of water, it is also equivalent to 200ML of water.
In terms of grams, every 1 pound is about 454 grams but that very much depends on what ingredient you are looking at.
You may refer to this kitchen chart for more information :)
Thank You very much Happy Mrs Kwok for you reply. You are great. May I know the actual amount of water 450 g as mentioned at the recipe for the transparent mayonise if convert to milliliter (ML) Thanks again for your kindness.
Hi happy mrs kwok,
I tried out this recipe today but realised it's kinda too sweet. Just wondering if i got it correct =X
Hi Youfei,
The recipe works good for me cause in Taiwan, we are used to sweet stuffs.
If you do not have a sweet tooth like I do, you can reduce the amount of sugar in Ingredient B to 100 or 150g :)
Now you know one reason why I'm hyperactive, cause I love sweets! :P
Hi Happy Mrs Kwok,
Thanks for the tips! =)I didn't know you're from taiwan hehe..
Hi Happy Mrs.Kwok
Like Sharon"s comment, I would also like to know how much is 450g water in ML for the transparent mayonise. Need your help badly. Thank You.
Hi Mrs Kwok,
I don't know how to measure water in g. I mean I don't understand how much is 450g water.
Hi Sharon/Joan,
I haven't try measuring grams to ML so I'm using the conversion chart I found online.
450gram will be equivalent to 16Oz
16Oz will be 500ml.
This is just an estimation and I'm not sure if it is correct. Sorry that I can't really help much :(
Hi Youfei,
Actually I'm not from Taiwan :)
My Hubby is from Taiwan but has been in Singapore for a decade plus so he is now a Singaporean. My Mother-in-law is still residing in Taiwan.
Hi Happy Mrs Kwok,
Nice looking Cookies 'n' Cream ice-cream. Is it possible to describe the steps to make it?
Thanks in advance!
Hi Mrs Kwok,
May I know if brown sugar works with the transparent mayonnaise recipe? My kids love the pork floss from Bread Talk, but I don't think I'll attempt to make the bun just yet. Just the mayo on bread. :)
Hi Anno,
I've never tried brown sugar before, but maybe you can do give it a try but I would says reduce the amount.. Also I'm pretty worried since brown sugar can be a little coarser so might make the mayonnaise feels grainy but Brown sugar are well known for "yang sheng" so maybe no harm trying?
I love all three! :)
wow. i like all of them.
hi there! thanks for the transparent mayo recipe! it's the closest i could find on the net which shows you how to replicate breadtalk's famous floss bun.
i tried it out today, my feedback: i used much less sugar than stated on the recipe, but didnt change the quantities for the other ingredients. i used about 100g sugar altogether, as opposed to 300g on the recipe. (because i thought that it would be too sweet)
after combining the ingredients though, the cornstarch clumped alot. i stirred it vigorously but couldnt unclump it all. is there a way to do it so that it doesnt clump so much?
then the mixture thickened as you said, and became sort of cream colored, which looked pretty much accurate (using breadtalk floss spread as a benchmark). i tasted it on its own, and it was kind of way too sweet for me, even though i had reduced the sugar. however, i still used it as a spread on normal white toast bread and topped that with floss. with the floss and the bread, the sweetness of the spread was balanced. i felt that it tasted very very close to the floss bun at bread talk!! :) success!!
only thing is, i have a huge amount of the spread leftover because i only made one sandwich! so next time, i will divide all ingredients by 1/4 to yield less, and of course the sugar by 1/12 :)
thanks again! it was a good bite of home for the homesick!
Hi April,
Oh my, I guess I've a really sweet tooth. I actually find the mayo ok.. not too sweet for my personal taste bud. Maybe its time to reduce my sugar intake!
Hi Mrs. Kwok, thank you for your mayonnaise recipe. I made it and I posted it on my blog, I hope you are fine with it. I gave the credit to you, however, if you feel uncomfortable with that I will take it down. Thanks for sharing your recipe. :) Btw, your sandwich looks very neat and cute.
I guess the clump got to do with the heat. Try to go low on the heat first.
No worries, I'm perfectly fine with you posting it :)
Hi Mrs Kwok,
For the transparent mayo, the butter u refer to is salted butter or unsalted, or its mayonnaise? any brand in the Singapore mkt to try for a start?
Hi Jisong,
It's normal salted butter :)
You can get Anchor brand or SCS brand. These are my 2 fav brands of butter.
Dear Mrs Kwok,
I am planning to make beef-floss bun today (first time ever) and I am gonna use your mayo recipe.
My Qs are:
1. Can store this mayo in fridge? How long do you think I can store it?
2. If this trial is successful, may post this on my blog?
Hi Winna,
The recommended is to consume within 1 month so I suggest making it in small quantity :)
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