This is definitely one long overdue post! I made these ribs and wings almost 2 weeks ago but only had time to upload them now to Blogger. Pssst.. I'm quite active and prompt in Facebook though :P
Anyway, Prince Charming was moaning yearning for Ribs! Yes, he was literally begging me everyday to do a dish on ribs for him but I never had the time because he wanted those Barbecue kind which I have no confident in doing it since they won't taste the same if I were to bake the ribs in the oven comparing to the hot barbecued kinds. Finally he decided to lower his standards to just any kind of ribs as long as they are prime ribs!
Okay so on our usual weekend grocery shopping at Cold Storage, we bought 300g worth of prime ribs for my first attempt to do a ribs dish. I was intending to adapt a recipe for Caramelized wings by 小米桶 and I thought, why don't I just marinate them together and see what I can do later! Anyway, both dish came out pretty decent except that the wings had those "chicken" smell which I deem must be due to it being a frozen one. I never had problems with fresh wings!
This was taken almost 1hr after I've finished cooking them because someone was just too addicted to his GT5 game that he "delayed" our usual dinner time and yes, he was too engrossed that he totally forgotten all about taking pictures for me! Grrrrr.... Guess it's time I asked him to buy a camera for me! Maybe a Olympus EP2